Maui B’Mitzvah Ceremonies
Maui B’Mitzvah Ceremonies
While a B’Mitzvah ceremony is a coming-of-age celebration for a young person, it is also a rite of passage for the entire family. With this in mind, we will work together to create a ceremony that is joyous and meaningful for the B’Mitzvah and life affirming for your family and guests.
Services that include a Torah reading can be held on Saturday mornings and afternoons or Monday and Thursday mornings.
Possible locations include resorts, restaurants, and the Jewish Congregation of Maui in Kihei. A kosher Torah is available for rent if the ceremony is at a site other than the synagogue.
The B’Mitzvah student has the option to work with me to prepare for the ceremony and/or I am available to consult with their teacher. For those who chose to do the preparations with me, I will design a curriculum based on the experience, knowledge, and ability of each student. Students are encouraged to challenge themselves so that they feel they have learned and accomplished something important.
Our studies can include the practical aspects of service leadership such as leading prayers, chanting Torah, and writing a speech (d’var Torah) In addition, students will be guided to think deeply about what this experience means for them. This can culminate in a create a personal statement where they speak from their heart and can cover such topics as their beliefs, their relationship to spirituality and awe, their connection to being Jewish and the gratitudes they would like to share.
Most importantly, I will provide a supportive environment for your child where they feel excited not only to celebrate all that they have learned and accomplished, but also to celebrate who they are becoming as they take this next step toward adulthood.
Before moving to Maui, I spent over 15 years as the B’Mitzvah Director and Spiritual Leader at Kehilla Community Synagogue in Piedmont, CA. In this role, I designed curriculum, taught hundreds of students, and trained other teachers. I worked with families to create personalized ceremonies that met the specific needs of all involved. On Maui, I have had the joy and honor to continue this work with local families, those who visit often, and those who come to Maui for the first time.